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  1. The purchase condition is not required to enter the competition.
  2. The following categories are not allowed to participate in the competition, in order to achieve transparency, and they are:
  3. • All members of the Chamber of Commerce and their families.
  4. • All employees of the operating Agency of the system and their families.
  5. • All the Competition company’s employees / owners and their families.
  6. • All advertisement and advertising agency employees and their families.
  7. • All employees of the participating malls and their families.
  8. The Committee for Sorting Commercial Contest at the Chamber has the full right to redeem prizes from these categories in the event that one of them wins
  9. The Committee for Sorting Commercial Contest in the Chamber has the right to withdraw the prize from the participants who won it, and it was later revealed that they have participated in more than one mobile number, and repeat the list on the list of participating names again.
  10. The Chamber Screening Committee has the right, in the event that the winner does not respond for 30 days to receive the prize, remove it from the competition and re-draw again.
  11. Subscribe for those over 20 years old
  12. The winners are required to present a valid legal ID upon receiving the award.
  13. In the event that the winner’s name does not match the name in the legal identity approved in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it will be excluded and withdrawn again.
  14. In the event that the same participant repeatedly wins the competition, he will be awarded the first prize only.
  15. The winners will sign the prize receipt statement.
  16. A copy of the winners ’identity and signature will be taken as proof of receiving the prizes.
  17. Names and photos of the winners will be posted on social media.
  18. The winner is not entitled to exchange the prize in cash or to exchange it for other products and they must receive it by themselves or according to a valid legal agency stipulating the receipt of the award.
  19. In case the award is not received for a period exceeding a month from the announcement of the results, the company has the right to act with  the award.
  20. In the event that the contestant rejects any of the terms and conditions of the competition, the committee for sorting commercial competitions in the Chamber may cancel its prize and make a new draw for another contestant.
  21. Prizes Pickup from Jeddah.
  22. Likewise, the Contest Screening Committee may exclude any participant if it does not meet the terms and conditions.
  23. The terms and conditions of the competition are subject to the laws and regulations of commercial competitions in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.