1.       Introduction
This Promotion is organised and promoted by Rukn Al-Izdihar of [Building Number 3787, Al Malqa, Al Khaleej District, Riyadh] (“Organiser”). Smart Match Information Technology Co. Ltd (“eCopon”) is the platform operator hosting the Promotion. This Promotion is subject to all applicable laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2.       Eligibility
This Promotion is open to all persons aged 18 years or over who are residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Employees of the Organiser, eCopon and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, associate agencies, distributors, dealers, sponsors, advertising and contest agencies, and members of their immediate families are not eligible to participate in this Promotion.
Organiser reserves the right to verify the eligibility of the Participants and may request such information as it considers reasonably necessary for the verification purposes. By participating in this Promotion, Participants shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions and agreed to be bound by them.
3.       Promotion Period
The Promotion starts from 00:00 on July 15, 2024 until 23:59 on October 15, 2024 (“Closing Date”). All entries must be received by the Closing Date to be eligible for participation in the Promotion. Organiser accepts no responsibility for any entries that are lost, delayed or not received by the Closing Date for any reason. Proof of sending shall not be deemed to be proof of receipt.
4.       How To Enter
(a)     Find the QR code – During the Promotion Period, a QR code would be printed on the Moussy Promotional Bottles available for purchase in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To participate in the Promotion, Participant will need to scan the QR code on the Moussy Promotional Bottles and fill in his/her details on the link in the QR code.
(b)     Increase chances of winning – If Participant enters the unique 7 digit code which can be found under the bottle cap of the Moussy Promotional Bottle, his/her chances of winning would multiply by 10.
For example: if you scan the QR Code and fill in your details, you will have 1 draw entry. However, if you scan the QR Code, fill in your details together with the unique 7 digit code found under the bottle cap of the Moussy Promotional Bottle, you will have 10 draw entries.
(c)     Using the unique 7 digit Code – Each unique 7 digit code found under the bottle cap of the Moussy Promotional Bottle is valid for one time use only.
5.       Prize
Each Participant to the Promotion shall be eligible to win any of the following Prizes:
(a)     5 tickets to Liverpool game (“Top Prize”) (Total of 5 Tickets)
(b)     500 units of PS5
(c)     1,000 units of Liverpool T-Shirts
Each Participant may only redeem ONE (1) Prize throughout the Promotion Period. The Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other items. Organiser reserves the rights to substitute any Prize for one of equal or greater value without notice to the Participants.
*Conditions for Top Prize Winners
One (1) Top Prize consists of a trip for one (1) person (i.e the Winner) to travel to Liverpool, United Kingdom for five (5) nights and to attend the Liverpool football match as solely chosen by the Organiser. This includes one (1) round trip air ticket to and from KSA to Liverpool, United Kingdom (including on-ground transfer), one (1) hotel room, transportation from hotel to football match location in Liverpool and one (1) ticket to attend and watch the football match. All other expenses shall be borne by the Winner.  
The Top Prize Winner expressly agrees and acknowledges that he/she shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary legal and travel documentation (including a valid passport or visa). If the Winner is unable to obtain the necessary travel documentation, he/she may transfer the Top Prize, subject to the sole discretion of the Organiser. 
6.       Winner Selection
There shall be a total of 3 Draws during the Promotion Period where Winners will be selected for the following Prizes:
1st Draw – August 15th, 2024
Liverpool Tickets (2 Tickets)
PS5 (200 units)
T-Shirts (400 units)

2nd Draw – September 15th, 2024
Liverpool Tickets (2 Tickets
PS5 (200 units
T-Shirts (400 units

3rd Draw – October 15th, 2024
Liverpool Tickets (1 Ticket
PS5 (100 units
T-Shirts (200 units
The Winners for each Draw will be announced on eCopon within 5 business days after each Draw Date. Organiser shall contact the Winners through call/text/whatsapp message to their registered phone number to collect and verify their details. The outcome of the Winners selected shall be final and absolute.
7.       Prize Redemption and Collection
To redeem the Prize, Winners are required to present a valid identification card that matches the details provided at the time of entry of Promotion. Failing which, the Prize shall be forfeited.
All Prizes must be redeemed, collected or arranged for delivery by November 30th, 2024.Failing which, the Prize shall be deemed forfeited by the Winner. Organiser reserves the right to determine how uncollected or forfeited Prize(s) shall be dealt with, including selecting another Winner for the uncollected or forfeited Prize.
8.       Privacy Notice
By participating in this Promotion, the Participant expressly consents that the Organiser and/or its appointed agency shall use, process and store the Participant’s personal data in accordance with the local data protection law and regulations. The Participant also consent to receiving marketing or promotional notification from the Organiser. The Organiser will use its best endeavours to keep all personal data stored for the purpose of this Promotion strictly confidential.
9.       Release of Liabilities
Participant acknowledges and agrees that Organiser is not responsible for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay, failure in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction, unauthorized access to, or alteration of, user or member communications, or any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, the website, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, system, apparatus, software, failure of e-mail or receipt of entry on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet and/or telecommunication services which may affect the Participant’s participation in the Promotion.
Organiser excludes its liabilities and responsibilities arising from any postponement, cancellation, delay or changes or modification to the Promotion or Prize(s) as a result of any unforeseen circumstances beyond the Organiser’s control including but not limited to governmental interference, act of God, civil commotion, riot, war, strikes, national emergencies, act of terrorism and any act or default by any third-party suppliers or vendors.
10.    General Terms
(a)     Organiser reserves the right to suspend, cancel or amend this Promotion and/or revise these Terms and Conditions at any time without giving prior notice and by continuing to take part in the Promotion subsequent to any revision, the Participants shall be deemed to have agreed to the amended terms.
(b)     Organiser reserves the right to disqualify and remove any Participant from the Promotion without prior notification or disclosure of information should the Participant be suspected of tampering with their entries, attempted to undermine the operation of the Promotion in any way whatsoever, including but not limited to fraud, cheating or deception or breach these Terms and Conditions.
(c)     By participating in this Promotion and acceptance of the Prize, the Winners shall be deemed to have consent to Organiser to allow the use of the Winners’ (and Winner’s companion) names, images, video footages and likeness for promotional or marketing purposes, without further compensation.
(d)     Each Participant agrees to indemnify, release and hold harmless the Organiser, eCopon and their respective affliates, subsidiaries and associated companies,  directors, officers, employees, agents and/or representatives against any and/or all losses, rights, claims, actions and damages (including special, indirect and consequential damages) arising from or incurred as a result of the Participant’s participation in the Promotion, acceptance and utilization of any Prize(s), and/or the use of the Participant’s entry and/or likeness in connection with the Promotion.
(e)     Organiser’s decision on all matters relating to the Promotion shall be final and conclusive. No further appeal or correspondences shall be entertained.
(f)      This Terms and Conditions and all issues arising out of it shall be governed by the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Saudi Arabian courts.