Van Cleef bracelets

Starts from September 19 to 3 October
Follow Nahdi instagram account
Mention your friends 
registration is through the link provided in the bio 
Numbers of Winners: 4 Each will win a gift from either ( swarovski watch, Ipad 10, Tory burch bag or gold bar)
Purchase is not required to participate in this competition
All employees of Nahdi Company and its subsidiaries and their families are excluded from this withdrawal
All citizens and residents are entitled to participate in the draw only once
Al-Nahdi has the right to photograph the winners and use their photos on social media to announce the result of the competition without the slightest responsibility and without any financial compensation,In case of disapproval, Al-Nahdi company has the right to withhold the prize and withdraw from another participant
Nahdi Application Users can participate through contest link inside the App
A copy of the winners ’identity and signature will be taken as proof of receiving the prizes.