WIN a Porsche with Mobil Service App

How to enter the contest:

First Method:

The answer to the question

Second Method:

Download Mobile Service App

Terms and Conditions:

  1. The conditions of the competition shall be governed by the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and shall be under the supervision of the Company of the Smart Match operating the e-copon program for commercial competitions supervised by the Jeddah Chamber
  2. The draw will be applied electronically to all users to apply the Mobil Service App
  3. The name and mobile number registered in the App will be approved to enter the draw
  4. A text message will be sent from the app to confirm entry into the draw for all participants
  5. The exhibition will be provided with the name of the winner within 48 hours of announcement and communication
  6. The winner's signature will be signed on the vehicle receipt statement to be submitted to the Chamber of Commerce later
  7. A copy of the winner's identity and the signature of the copy will be taken as proof of receipt of the prize
  8. The competition will be published on social networking sites
  9. The winner will also be posted on social networking sites
  10. Contest prize cannot be exchanged in cash and cannot be converted
  11. APSCO Employees cannot enter the contest and withdraw the prize
  12. APSCO have the right to cancel the winner of any contestant or to withhold the prize in the event that the conditions are not met and there are no rights or claims