Part 2:  Ad-Linking Competitions

In our previous article, we discussed capon's new project for holding commercial competitions via WhatsApp.  Today, we’ll explore another unique service and marketing strategy that many companies have been eager to implement: ad-linking competitions.

What is Ad-Linking Competition?

Ad-Linking Competitions are an innovative and effective marketing strategy that aims to promote products in a creative and engaging way.  By combining advertising with competitions, companies can attract customer attention, boost brand engagement, and drive sales.

Benefits of Ad-Linking Competitions

·        Instant Customer Engagement: Competitions transform passive viewers of ads into active participants, increasing engagement and interaction with the brand.

·        Building Brand Trust: By offering valuable prizes, companies show their appreciation for customer engagement and provide real value, building trust and loyalty.

·        Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Participants share their experiences with the brand, expanding the reach and awareness of the competition and the company.

·        Increased Sales: Competitions generate excitement and encourage product trials, leading to potential sales conversions.

How eCopon's Ad-Linking Competitions Service Works?

eCopon’s Ad-Linking competitions service simplifies the process of creating and managing engaging competitions alongside advertising campaigns.  Companies can:

·        Build and Schedule Unique Competitions with different rules, participation methods, and prize options.

·        Integrate Competitions with existing advertising strategies, such as social media, email marketing, and website banners.

·        Track and Analyze Results.  Monitor competition results, collect participant data, and receive insights into customer engagement and campaign efficiency.


Ad-linking competitions are an effective way for companies to improve their marketing efforts, attract new customers, and increase sales.  With eCopon’s comprehensive ad-linking competition solution, companies can simply apply this technique and realize its numerous benefits.

Launch a New Era of Marketing with eCopon’s Ad-Linking Competition Service. 

Contact eCopon today to find out how ad-linking competition can improve your marketing approach and generate company growth.